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Streamlining Medication Adherence Through PCP and Behavioral Health Provider Collaboration

with Lucet's Leza Ogren, VP of Clinical Operations and Dr. Bernard DiCasimirro, Chief Medical Officer


Behavioral health treatment is not as simple as filling a single prescription or scheduling one therapy session, and as such, there are many players involved in the successful delivery of care. In particular, health plans can foster a symbiotic working relationship between primary care providers (PCPs) and behavioral health providers to track outcomes — especially medication adherence. What does it look like to streamline the member care journey from health coverage to regular PCP visits and prescriptions to therapy session progress and beyond? 

Key takeaways:

  • Demonstrate the step-by-step tracking of medication adherence  
  • Learn how PCPs and behavioral health providers collaborate 
  • Discover how Lucet facilitates the relationship between PCP and behavioral health providers

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